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所属地区:北京 天津 河北 山西 辽宁 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 陕西 甘肃
主编: 张敬源,张虹
版次: 2012年版 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
第1章 Unit 1 Foreign Language Learning
1、starting a conversation
2、Learning a Foreign Language1
3、Learning a Foreign Language2
4、Five Good Reasons to Lean a Foreign Language1
5、Five Good Reasons to Lean a Foreign Language2
第2章 Unit 2 A Path to Follow
1、Showing Gratitute
2、Cracked or Perfect:We Can Make a Difference!
3、A Priceless Lesson in Humility
第3章 Unit 3 Green Transportation
1、Making an Apology
2、Bus Chick's Manifesto
3、Bike to Work:Reasons You Should Try
第4章 Unit 4 Friends and Friendship
2、The Greatest Gift
3、The Colors of Friendship
第5章 Unit 5 Music and Leisure
1、Making an Appointment
2、Music as a Universal Language
3、Why We Need Vacations
第6章 Unit 6 Life Lessions
2、Keep Your Dream
3、Go for It!
第7章 Unit 7 Attitude is Altitude
1、Asking for and Giving Directions
2、A Motivator
3、Attitude Is Everything
第8章 Unit 8 The Mystery of Life
1、Making Requests
2、Embracing the Mystery1
3、Embracing the Mystery2
4、Research Is a State of Mind
第9章 Unit 9 Making Every Minute Count
1、Asking for Information
2、The Most Exciting Thing Ever1
3、The Most Exciting Thing Ever2
4、Keeper of the Spring
第10章 Unit 10 Meida--Blessing or Curse
1、Talking about Past Events
2、Advertising to Children
3、The Illusion of Perfection
第11章 Unit 11 Effective Communication
1、Talking about Future Events
2、Active Listening
3、Effective Communication
第12章 Unit 12 Technology:A Double -Edged Sword
1、Closing a Conversation
2、Privacy in Our High-Tech Society
3、Worse Living Through Better Technology
第13章 考试分析